Friday, July 30, 2010

Explain derivative of sin

                              In calculus, the derivative is a measure of how a function changes as its input changes. The process of finding a derivative is called differentiation. Differentiation is a method to compute the rate at which a dependent output y changes with respect to the change in the independent input x. The derivative of y with respect to x is given by `(dy)/(dx)` .
                       Here, we are going to learn derivative of sin 3x and its related functions from the following example and practice problems.

Example Problem on Derivative of Sin 3x:

Example 1:
Find the derivative of y = sin 3x.
      Step 1: Given function
                                y = sin 3x
      Step 2: Differentiate the given function y = sin 3x with respect to ' x '
                                `(dy)/(dx)` = cos 3x (3)
                                             = 3 cos 3x

Hope you liked the above explanation. We will learn more on how to work out percentages. Please leave your comments, if you have any doubts.

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